Fermi GBM Science
GBM-related pulsar publications from the Gamma-Ray Astronomy team are listed here.

GBM Accreting Pulsar Histories

For each source we plot the history of pulse frequency and pulsed flux measured using the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) NaI detectors. For these measurements we use the CTIME data which normally has 0.256 s time bins, and eight energy channels. Our analysis normally uses channels 1 (12-25 keV) and 2 (25-50 keV). The integration interval used varies from source to source, ranging from one to four days. For eclipsing systems each egress to ingress interval is divided into an integral number of equal parts, with no measurement made during the eclipse. The measured frequencies are barycentered. For sources where the binary orbit is known, the frequencies are corrected for the binary motion. The R.M.S. pulsed flux is given in the energy band in which the pulse search was made. This usually includes only the first and second harmonics. These results are preliminary.


 *          New Feature Below!             *


We are now offering custom searches for pulsations for all of our catalogued sources. You may specify the energy band, frequency band, frequency derivative band, time range, integration time, ephemeris and harmonics to be searched. We will also accept searches for pulsations for non-catalogued sources. The results will include best frequency/derivative where detected, pulsed flux or upper limits where not detected, phase if an ephemeris is used and pulse profiles for each energy band. Please send an email request to Peter Jenke.

Detected Persistent Pulsars
Source Name
& GBM link
BATSE link LII (deg) BII (deg) Period (s) Swift link MAXI link Simbad link
GX 1+4 GX 1+4 1.944.79 159.7 GX 1+4 GX 1+4 V* V2116 Oph
Her X-1 Her X-1 58.2037.50 1.24 Her X-1 Her X-1 V* HZ Her
Vela X-1 Vela X-1 263.063.90 283.5 Vela X-1 Vela X-1 V* GP Vel
Cen X-3 Cen X-3 292.100.30 4.80 Cen X-3 Cen X-3 V* V779 Cen
GX 301-2 GX 301-2 300.101.25 681.6 GX 301-2 GX 301-2 V* BP Cru
4U 1626-67 4U 1626-67 321.79-13.09 7.67 4U 1626-67 4U 1626-67 V* KZ TrA
4U 1538-52 4U 1538-52 327.422.16 525.0 H 1538-522 4U 1538-52 V* QV Nor
OAO 1657-415 Coming Soon 344.400.31 37.1 EXO 1657-419 OAO 1657-415 OAO 1657-41
Detected Transient Pulsars
Source Name
& GBM Link
BATSE link LII (deg) BII (deg) Period (s) Swift link MAXI link Simbad link
GRO J1744-28 GRO J1744-28 0.040.30 0.467 GRO J1744-28 2EG J1746-2852
GRO J1750-27 GRO J1750-27 2.370.51 4.45 AX J1749.1-2639 AX J1749.1-2639
IGR J18179-1621 Not Available 14.60-0.22 11.82 IGR J18179-1621 IGR+J18179-1621
2S 1845-024 2S 1845-024 30.42-0.41 94.6 GS1843-02 GS 1843-02 4U 1850-03
XTE J1858+034 Not Available 36.82-0.06 219 XTE J1858+034 XTE J1858+034 [KRL2007b] 348
4U 1901+03 Not Available 37.16-1.25 2.76 4U 1901+03 4U 1901+03 4U 1901+03
XTE J1859+083 Not Available 41.152.06 9.80 XTE J1859+083 XTE J1859+083 XTE J1859+083
IGR J19294+1816 Not Available 53.440.20 12.45 IGR J19294+1816 IGR J19294+1816 IGR J19294+1816
XTE J1946+274 GRO J1944+26 63.211.40 15.8 XTE J1946+274 XTE J1946+274 3A 1942+274
KS 1947+300 GRO J1948+32 66.102.08 18.81 KS 1947+300 KS 1947+300 2MASS J19493548+3012317
EXO 2030+375 EXO 2030+375 77.15-1.24 41.33 EXO 2030+375 EXO 2030+375 V* V2246 Cyg
GRO J2058+42 GRO J2058+42 83.568 -2.657 195.226 GRO J2058+42 GRO J2058+42 GRO J2058+42
SAX J2103.5+4545 Not Available 87.13-0.68 358.61 SAX J2103.5+4545 SAX J2103.5+4545 GSC 03588-00834
Cep X-4 Cep X-4 99.013.31 66.32 Ginga 2138+56 Cep X-4 V* V490 Cep
MAXI J0655-013 Not Available 103.81-1.46 1086.96 MAXI J0655-013 MAXI J0655-013 MAXI J0655-013
4U 0115+63 4U 0115+63 125.921.03 3.61 4U 0115+634 4U 0115+63 V* V635 Cas
Swift J0243.6+6124 Not Available 135.9371.425 9.86 Swift J0243.6+6124 Swift J0243.6+6124 Swift J0243.6+6124
V 0332+53 Not Available 146.05-2.19 4.37 V 0332+53 V 0332+53 V* BQ Cam
RX J0440.9+4431 Not Available 159.85-1.27 205.26 LSV+44 17 LSV+4417 TYC 2905-121-1
A 0535+26 Coming Soon 181.50-2.64 103.5 1A 0535+262 A 0535+262 HIP 26566
IGR J0607.4+2205 Not Available 188.3850.81 374.3 IGR J0607.4+220 IGR J0607.4+220 IGR J0607.4+220
MXB 0656-072 Not Available 220.20-1.76 160.4 MXB 0656-072 MXB 0656-072 2E 0655.8-0708
GS 0834-430 GS 0834-430 262.02-1.51 12.3 GS 0834-430 GS 0834-430 Ginga 0834-430
Maxi J0903-531 Not Available 273.076-4.303 14.057 MAXIJ0903-531 MAXIJ0903-531 MAXIJ0903-531
Swift J0513.4-6547 Not Available 275.99-34.55 27.27 SWIFT J0513.4-6547 SWIFT J0513.4-6547
RX J0520.5-6932 Not Available 280.26-33.19 8.037 RX J0520.5-6932 RX J0520.5-6932 RX J0520.5-6932
GRO J1008-57 GRO J1008-57 283.00-1.80 93.5 GRO J1008-57 GRO J1008-57 [KRL2007b] 84
A 1118-615 A 1118-615 292.50-0.90 407.0 1A 1118-61 1A 1118-61 2E 2448
RX J0209.6-7427 Not Available 296.0473 -41.614 9.3024 RX J0209.6-7427 RX J0209.6-7427 RX J0209.6-7427
Swift J005139.2-721704 Not Available 302.85 -44.7998 4.78 SXP 4.78
SMC X-3 Not Available 302.86 -44.6937 7.81 SMC X-3 SMC X-3 SMC X-3
GX 304-1 Not Available 304.101.25 272.0 GX 304-1 GX 304-1 V* V850 Cen
MAXI J1409-619 Not Available 311.80-0.44 503.7 MAXI J1409-619 MAXI J1409-619 MAXI J1409-619
2S 1417-624 2S 1417-624 313.02-1.60 17.51 H 1417-624 2S 1417-624 4U 1416-62
2S 1553-542 Not Available 327.94-0.86 9.29 H 1553-542 H 1553-542 2S 1553-542
Times of Transient Outburst Detections
Times of Transient Outbursts

GBM Monitored but Undetected Transient Pulsars
Source Name BATSE link LII (deg) BII (deg) Period (s) Swift link MAXI link Simbad link
GS 1843+00 GS 1843+00 33.071.69 29.5 Ginga 1843+00 GS 1843+00 GS 1843+00
4U 1145-619 4U 1145-619 295.61-0.24 292.4 H 1145-619 H 1145-619 HD 102567
XTE J0111.2-7317 XTE J0111.2-7317 300.971-43.773 30.72 Not Available Not Available XTE J0111.2-7317
XTE J1543-568 XTE J1543-568 324.985-1.420 27.07 XTE J1543-568 XTE J1543-568 XTE J1543-568
Swift J1626.6-5156 Not Available 332.7802.00 15.4 SWIFT J1626.6-5156 SWIFT J1626.6-5156 Swift J1626.6-5156
AX J1700.2-4200 Not Available 343.803-0.0299 54.0 AX J1700.2-4200 Not Available AX J1700.2-4200
Author: Peter Jenke
Responsible Manager: Steve Elrod
Site Curator: Peter Jenke