README - IDL Parameter Files (SAV files) ================================= Descriptions of IDL *.sav files ================================= *.sav files can be restored in an IDL session by RESTORE command: IDL> RESTORE, file='filename.sav' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. All Spectral Parameters - allpar.sav ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This file contains all spectral parameter resulted in various model fits, in the form of structures (27 total). The names of the structures follow the convention "MODELNAME_B(F)PAR", where B is for Batch fit (i.e., time-resolved spectra) and F is for Fluence fit (time-integrated spectra). The MODELNAME can be one of the following: - BAND : Band's GRB Function - BEST : BEST Fitting Model* - BETA : Band's GRB Function with Fixed Beta - COMP : Comptonized Model - PWRL : Power Law Model - SBPL0 : Smoothly-Broken Power Law Model w/ Break Scale = 0.01 Fixed - SBPL1 : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.1 Fixed - SBPL2 : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.2 Fixed - SBPL3 : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.3 Fixed - SBPL4 : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.4 Fixed - SBPL5 : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.5 Fixed - SBPL5PAR : SBPL w/ Break Scale Varied - SBPLBEST : SBPL w/ Best Break Scale (out of 4-parameter fits) - SBPLFIX : SBPL w/ Break Scale Fixed to Time-Integrated Fit Value *BEST models are listed in Table 4.8 of my dissertation In addition to regular fitted parameters: SBPL parameters include CALCULATED Epeak (Appendix A) BAND parameters include CALCULATED break energy Eb (Appendix B) COMP parameters include e-folding energy E0 For more detailed model descriptions, please refer to Chapter 4 (sections 4.2.2, 4.3.2, and 4.4.2) of my dissertation. ------------------------------------------------------------- Parameter Description (within each structure) ------------------------------------------------------------- TRIG Trig# STRING Array[Number of Spectra] T_START Start sec FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] T_END End sec FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] AMP Amplitude FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] AMP_ERR Amp Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EPEAK Epeak FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EP_ERR Epeak Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EBREAK Eb FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EB_ERR Eb Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] BSCALE Break Scale FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] BS_ERR Bscale Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] ALPHA Low-E Index FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] AL_ERR LE Ind Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] BETA High-E Index FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] B_ERR HE Ind Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] PFLUX Photon Flux FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] PFX_ERR Ph Flux Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] PFLNC Photon Fluence FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] PFC_ERR Ph Flnc Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EFLUX Energy Flux FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EFX_ERR E Flux Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EFLNC Energy Fluence FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] EFC_ERR E Flnc Error FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] REDCHI2 Reduced Chi2 FLOAT Array[Number of Spectra] DOF Degrees-of-freedom INT Array[Number of Spectra] N_EVENT # of Events LONG Integer N_SPEC # of Sp in Each Events LONG Array[N_EVENT] MODELS Best Model STRING Array[Number of Spectra] ------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. Effective Low-Energy Indices - aleff.sav ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This file contains arrays of adjusted low-energy indices of the BEST models. The arrays consist of "effective" alpha (see Appendix C of my dissertation) values for spectra fitted with BAND or COMP, and actual fitted low-energy indices for the other spectra. The arrays are: - BALEFF : Adjusted Low-Energy Index Array of Time-Resolved Spectra - BALEFF_ERR : Errors Associated with BALEFF - FALEFF : Adjusted Low-Energy Index Array of Time-Integrated Spectra - FALEFF_ERR : Errors Associated with FALEFF :::::WARNING::::::::::WARNING::::::::::WARNING::::::::::WARNING::::: Parameters are set to -999 when there are no applicable values (e.g., PWRL beta, PWRL Epeak, COMP beta, etc.) Therefore, when using the parameters restored by these *.sav, remember to exclude parameters with the value -999. :::::WARNING::::::::::WARNING::::::::::WARNING::::::::::WARNING:::::