Program |
Monday, October 18 |
12:30 PM |
Registration and Poster Setup |
1:30 PM |
SGR/Magnetar Workshop S. Kulkarni, Chair |
Opening Remarks |
Kevin Hurley Invited review: The 4.5 +/- 0.5 Soft Gamma Repeaters in Review |
SGR-01 |
Felix Mirabel Infrared Observations of SGR 1806-20 |
SGR-02 |
K. Hurley Observations of a possible new soft gamma repeater, SGR1801-23 |
SGR-03 |
Marco Feroci BeppoSAX and Ulysses data on the giant flare from SGR 1900+14 |
SGR-04 |
T. Murakami ASCA Deep Searches for an X-ray Pulsar from SGR1627-41 & SGR0526-66 |
SGR-05 |
David Marsden Nature vs. Nurture: The Environment of SGRs |
SGR-06 |
Richard E. Rothschild Is SGR 1900+14 A Magnetar? |
SGR-07 |
Peter Woods Variable Spin-down in the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14 and Correlations with Burst Activity |
SGR-08 |
Eric Gotthelf Rock Steady: Spin History of the Kes 73 Magnetar |
SGR-09 |
3:45 PM |
Break |
4:15 PM |
Robert C. Duncan Invited review: Magnetar Physics and Spindown Evolution |
SGR-10 |
Christopher Thompson Supernova Instabilities and the Formation of Magnetars |
SGR-11 |
Peter L. Gonthier Relativistic Compton Scattering in Ultra-Strong Magnetic Fields |
SGR-13 |
David Palmer SGRs as Relaxation Systems |
SGR-14 |
5:30 PM |
Poster Setup for GRB Symposium |
7:00-9:00 PM |
Reception and Registration at the Huntsville Museum of Art |
Tuesday, October 19 |
7:30 AM |
Refreshments, Registration, and Poster Setup |
8:30 AM |
Session G-1: Gamma-Ray Observations I R. M. Kippen, Chair |
Gerald Fishman Opening Remarks & Invited Review: Observations of GRBs: Current and Future |
G-01 |
Maarten Schmidt Luminosities, Space Densities and Redshift Distributions of Gamma-Ray Bursts |
G-02 |
Ming Deng Constraining the Luminosity Function of GRBs from Time Dilation, Brightness Distribution and Redshift Data |
G-03 |
Igor Mitrofanov Rest Frame Properties of Gamma Ray Bursts |
G-04 |
Charles Meegan A Summary of Biases in the BATSE Burst Trigger |
G-05 |
10:00 AM |
Break |
10:30 AM |
Jon Hakkila Properties of Gamma-Ray Burst Classes |
G-06 |
G. Marani Attributes of GRB Pulses: Bayesian Blocks and Pulses for a Sample of Nearly 2000 GRB Time Profiles |
G-07 |
Fergus Quilligan Unusual Properties of the Time Profiles in Bright GRBs |
G-08 |
Jay Norris Connection Between Energy-Dependent Lags and Peak Luminosity in Gamma-Ray Bursts |
G-09 |
Maxim Litvak The Early and Late Stages as Two Physically Different Parts of Burst Time Profile |
G-10 |
Istvan Horvath The duration errors of the gamma-ray bursts |
G-11 |
A. M. Beloborodov Power Density Spectra of Gamma-Ray Bursts |
G-12 |
12:00 PM |
Lunch and Poster Viewing |
2:00 PM |
Session G-2: Gamma-Ray Observations II R. Mallozzi, Chair |
Robert Preece Invited Review: Gamma Ray Burst Spectroscopy |
G-13 |
Tuesday, October 19 (Cont.) |
Jean in 't Zand The morphology of GRB 2-26 keV time profiles |
G-14 |
Michael S. Briggs Wide-Band Spectral Analysis of GRB 990510 |
G-15 |
Anthony Crider Constraining GRB Theory with the Spectral Evolution seen by BATSE |
G-16 |
Dmitrij Anfimov The long tails of gamma-ray bursts based on APEX data |
G-17 |
3:30 PM |
Break |
4:00 PM |
Valerie Connaughton BATSE Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Tails |
G-18 |
Steven M. Matz OSSE Observations of Persistent Hard X-ray Emission from GRB Sources |
G-20 |
Julie McEnery Evidence for VHE emission from a Gamma-Ray Burst |
G-21 |
5:006:30 PM |
Poster Viewing |
Wednesday, October 20 |
7:30 AM |
Refreshments and Poster Viewing |
8:30 AM |
Session A-1: Afterglow Observations I R. Wijers, Chair |
E. Costa Invited Review: X-Ray Afterglow Sources from Gamma-Ray Bursts |
A-01 |
Atsumasa Yoshida Study of X-ray Spectra of GRB Afterglows with ASCA |
A-02 |
Luigi Piro Constraints to the Nature of the Central GRB Engine from a Comparative Analysis of X-ray Properties of Afterglows |
A-03 |
John Heise Puzzling Excess X-ray Emission in the Afterglow of the Bright Gamma-Ray Burst GRB990123 |
A-04 |
Timothy Giblin Evidence for an Early High-Energy Afterglow Observed with BATSE from GRB980923 |
A-05 |
Wednesday, October 20 (Cont.) |
10:00 AM |
Break |
10:30 AM |
Titus Galama Invited Review: Optical/multiwavelength Observations of GRB Afterglows |
A-06 |
Dale A. Frail Invited Review: Radio Centimeter/Millimeter Observations of GRBs: The View from the Other End of the Spectrum |
A-07 |
Lazzati Davide The Detection of Linear Polarization in the Afterglow of GRB990510 and its Theoretical Implications. |
A-08 |
G. Grant Williams A Comparison Between LOTIS Upper Limits and the Prompt OT from GRB 990123 |
A-09 |
12:10 PM |
Lunch and Poster Viewing |
2:00 PM |
Session A-2: Afterglow Observations II L. Piro, Chair |
Shri Kulkarni Invited Review: Connections of GRBs with Other Astrophysical Objects |
A-10 |
Joshua Bloom GRBs & SNe: Investigation of GRB 980519 and GRB 980329 |
A-11 |
Daniel E. Reichart The GRB/SN Connection: GRB 970228, GRB 990510, and GRBs as Beacons to Locate SN at High Redshifts |
A-12 |
Javier Gorosabel Recent Optical/IR GRB Follow-Up Observations |
A-13 |
Stuart Marshall ROTSE: A Search for Prompt Optical Counterparts to GRBs |
A-14 |
3:30 PM |
Break |
4:00 PM |
Andrew Fruchter Invited Review: The Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts |
A-15 |
Paul Vreeswijk VLT spectra of GRB990510 and GRB990712 |
A-16 |
Bradley E. Schaefer The Luminosity Function of GRB Host Galaxies |
A-17 |
5:006:30 PM |
Poster Viewing |
Thursday, October 21 |
7:30 AM |
Refreshments and Poster Viewing |
8:30 AM |
Session T-1: Theory I S. Woosley, Chair |
Reem Sari Invited Review: Beaming of GRBs |
T-01 |
Ed Fenimore The Importance of Deceleration in Internal Shock Models of GRBs |
T-03 |
Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz Filling Factors: A Hubble Relationship for Gamma-Ray Bursts |
T-04 |
Christopher Thompson Radiative Acceleration and Pair Creation in Gamma-Ray Bursts |
T-06 |
Nicole M. Lloyd Emission Mechanisms of Gamma Ray Bursts |
T-07 |
10:00 AM |
Break |
10:30 AM |
Charles Dermer Invited Review: The External Shock Model for the Gamma-Ray Phase and Related Transients at keV and GeV Energies |
T-05 |
Edison Liang Through Thick and Thin: Spectral Evolution of GRBs and Afterglows |
T-08 |
Yves Gallant Particle Acceleration at Utra-Relativitic Shocks and the Spectra of Relativistic Fireballs |
T-09 |
Peter Mészáros Steep Slopes and Preferred Breaks in GRB Spectra: the Role of Photospheres and Comptonization |
T-11 |
Hara Papathanassiou Spectral Modeling of GRB pulses |
T-12 |
12:00 PM |
Lunch and Poster Viewing |
2:00 PM |
Session T-2: Theory II N. Gehrels, Chair |
Ralph A.M.J. Wijers Invited Review: The Transition Between GRB and Afterglow |
T-10 |
Jerome James Brainerd A Plasma Instability Theory of Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission |
T-13 |
Stephen Hardy Ultra-Magnetized Plasma: Equation of State and Neutrino Heating |
T-14 |
Thursday, October 21 (Cont.) |
Markus Boettcher Modeling the Fe K-Alpha Line in GRB Afterglows |
T-15 |
3:30 PM |
Break |
4:00 PM |
Stan Woosley Invited Review: Collapsars, Gamma-Ray Bursts, and Supernovae |
T-17 |
Ewald Mueller Relativistic Jets from Collapsars |
T-18 |
Jay Salmonson A Binary Neutron Star Gamma-Ray Burst Model |
T-19 |
Ken'ichi Nomoto The Photometric and Spectroscopic Properties of Hyper-Energetic Supernovae 1998bw, 1997ef, and 1997cy |
T-20 |
James R. Wilson Neutron Star Binary Gamma-Ray Burst Engine |
T-21 |
5:306:30 PM |
Poster Viewing |
6:309:30 PM |
Symposium Banquet at the Huntsville Depot Roundhouse |
Friday, October 22 |
7:30 AM |
Refreshments and Poster Viewing |
8:30 AM |
Session T-3: Theory III P. Mészáros, Chair |
Roger A. Chevalier Invited Review: The Connection Between SN and GRBs: On the Distribution of the Circumstellar Matter |
T-22 |
J. Craig Wheeler Asymmetric Supernovae, Pulsars, Magnetars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts |
T-23 |
Chris Fryer A Closer Look at Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors |
T-24 |
H.C. Spruit Gamma-Ray Bursts from Rapidly Spinning Neutron Stars in XRB |
T-25 |
Dieter Hartmann The Most Distant Gamma-Ray Bursts |
T-26 |
10:00 AM |
Break |
Friday, October 22 (Cont.) |
10:30 AM |
Tomonori Totani A Unified Picture for the Various Total Energies of GRBs |
T-27 |
Tsvi Piran Energetics of Gamma-ray Bursts |
T-28 |
Krzysztof Belczynski Looking for GRB progenitors |
T-29 |
Tomasz Bulik Distribution of Binary Mergers Around Galaxies |
T-30 |
Stephan Rosswog Merging Neutron Stars: Asymmetric Systems |
T-31 |
Donald Q. Lamb Gamma-Ray Bursts as a Probe of the Very High Redshift Universe |
T-32 |
Robert Nemiroff Gamma-Ray Burst Lensing Limits on Cosmological Parameters |
T-33 |
12:00 PM |
Lunch and Poster Viewing |
1:30 PM |
Session I: Instrumentation V. Connaughton, Chair |
Neil Gehrels Invited Review: Swift A Panchromatic GRB MIDEX Mission |
I-01 |
George R. Ricker Rapid Localization of Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) with the International High Energy Transient Explorer (HETE2) |
I-02 |
Soren Brandt Ballerina A small Gamma Ray Burst Mission |
I-03 |
Scott D. Barthelmy GRB Coordinates Network (GCN): A Status Report |
I-04 |
Hye-Sook Park Super-LOTIS: Prompt GRB Optical Follow-up Experiment |
I-06 |
3:00 PM |
Break |
3:30 PM |
Rene Hudec What Have We Learned from Optical Detections of GRBs: Feasibility of Independent Optical Searches? |
I-08 |
S. Mereghetti The INTEGRAL Burst Alert System |
I-09 |
Friday, October 22 (Cont.) |
Michel Boer Rapid Observation of GRB Sources by TAROT |
I-10 |
Alberto Castro-Tirado First results of BOOTES-1 |
I-11 |
Conclusion |