Latest revision 1 September 1998 Lost Data on TJDs 11046 - 11047 TJD 11046 = 21 August 1998 TJD 11047 = 22 August 1998 Because of spacecraft attitude control problems later attributed to an incorrect solar ephemeris, the high gain antenna was not pointed correctly and some data were irretrievably lost. The time intervals were TJD/SoD: 11046/74756 - 11047/28002 TJD/SoD: 11047/30897 - 11047/71816 The instruments, including BATSE, were placed into a low-power mode at TJD/SoD = 11047/71816, which meant that the high voltages were effectively off, until BATSE was turned on again on TJD 11050. Triggers 7013 - 7018 were lost although max rates and the low 16 bits of the trigger seconds-of-day (SoD) were obtained for triggers 7015 and 7018. The following is believed to be correct: Trigger 7015 probably occurred at TJD/SoD = 11047/20432 and was probably a particle event. Trigger 7018 probably occurred at TJD/SoD = 11047/71017 and may have been an SGR event.