Latest revision 18 July 1996 DISCLB data, Trigger Number 5543 The auxiliary time words for all of the packets or records for the DISCLB data for trigger number 5543, i.e., the words "TIME(1), TIME(2), TIME(3)", which provide the DISCLB reference time, seem to be permuted so that the resulting TJD and seconds of day are garbage. It is possible that the subseconds word TIME(1) is still not correct even after shifting to compensate for permutation. The incorrect words for "TIME(3),(2),(1)" in hex format for the DISCLB data for trigger number 5543 are 40B0 C974 5052 which is the same as TJD/SoD = 8280/51570.2791 It may be that they should be 5052 40B0 C974 which is the same as TJD/SoD = 10281/16560.8058 Other times are Trig start: 5052 40B0 C264 = 10281/16560.7776 Trig load: 5052 40B0 C8C9 = 10281/16560.8031